Computes the standard error of estimates using the jackknife method. It is specifically tailored for use with
synthetic difference-in-differences estimates from the synthdid
package. This function supports both the usual
jackknife estimate of variance and the fixed-weights jackknife estimate as described by Arkhangelsky et al.
synthdid_se_jacknife(estimate, weights = attr(estimate, "weights"), seed = 1)
A synthdid estimate object.
Optional; custom weights for the fixed-weights jackknife. If NULL, the usual jackknife estimate is calculated.
A numeric value for setting the random seed (only for placebo SE). Default is 1.
Returns the standard error of the provided estimate.
Arkhangelsky, D., Athey, S., Hirshberg, D. A., Imbens, G. W., & Wager, S. (2021). Synthetic difference-in-differences. American Economic Review, 111(12), 4088-4118.
if (FALSE) {
setup <- get_balanced_panel(
data = fixest::base_stagg,
adoption_cohort = 5,
lags = 2,
leads = 3,
time_var = "year",
unit_id_var = "id",
treated_period_var = "year_treated"
) |>
dplyr::mutate(treatvar = if_else(time_to_treatment >= 0, 1, 0)) |>
dplyr::mutate(treatvar = as.integer(if_else(year_treated > (5 + 2), 0, treatvar))) |>
unit = "id",
time = "year",
outcome = "y",
treatment = "treatvar"
estimate <- synthdid::synthdid_estimate(setup$Y, setup$N0, setup$T0)
se_results <- synthdid_se_jacknife(estimate, seed = 123)