knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache = TRUE)
This section contains the code from the synthdid
(Arkhangelsky et al. 2021), which can
handle block adoption (i.e., when all units are treated at the same
# Estimate the effect of California Proposition 99 on cigarette consumption
setup = panel.matrices(california_prop99)
tau.hat = synthdid_estimate(setup$Y, setup$N0, setup$T0)
#> $estimate
#> [1] -15.60383
#> $se
#> [,1]
#> [1,] NA
#> $controls
#> estimate 1
#> Nevada 0.124
#> New Hampshire 0.105
#> Connecticut 0.078
#> Delaware 0.070
#> Colorado 0.058
#> Illinois 0.053
#> Nebraska 0.048
#> Montana 0.045
#> Utah 0.042
#> New Mexico 0.041
#> Minnesota 0.039
#> Wisconsin 0.037
#> West Virginia 0.034
#> North Carolina 0.033
#> Idaho 0.031
#> Ohio 0.031
#> Maine 0.028
#> Iowa 0.026
#> $periods
#> estimate 1
#> 1988 0.427
#> 1986 0.366
#> 1987 0.206
#> $dimensions
#> N1 N0 N0.effective T1 T0 T0.effective
#> 1.000 38.000 16.388 12.000 19.000 2.783
# for only one treated unit, we can only use the placebo method
# se = sqrt(vcov(tau.hat, method='placebo'))
# sqrt(vcov(tau.hat, method='bootstrap'))
# sqrt(vcov(tau.hat, method='jackknife'))
# sprintf('point estimate: %1.2f', tau.hat)
# sprintf('95%% CI (%1.2f, %1.2f)', tau.hat - 1.96 * se, tau.hat + 1.96 * se)
plot(tau.hat) + ama_theme()
Using fixest
#> ── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ──
#> ✔ dplyr 1.1.2 ✔ readr 2.1.4
#> ✔ forcats 1.0.0 ✔ stringr 1.5.1
#> ✔ lubridate 1.9.2 ✔ tibble 3.2.1
#> ✔ purrr 1.0.2 ✔ tidyr 1.3.0
#> ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
#> ✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
#> ✖ dplyr::lag() masks stats::lag()
#> ℹ Use the conflicted package (<>) to force all conflicts to become errors
If you want to use the base_stagg
dataset, you have to
choose just 1 period, because function synthdid_estimate
cannot handle staggered adoption.
df <- base_stagg |>
filter(year_treated %in% c(10000, 8)) |>
id = as.factor(id),
year = as.integer(year),
y = as.double(y),
treated = as.integer(if_else(time_to_treatment >= 0, 1, 0))
setup = df |>
# specify column names
unit = "id",
time = "year",
outcome = "y",
treatment = "treated"
#> y x1 id period post treat
#> 1 2.87530627 0.5365377 1 1 0 1
#> 2 1.86065272 -3.0431894 1 2 0 1
#> 3 0.09416524 5.5768439 1 3 0 1
#> 4 3.78147485 -2.8300587 1 4 0 1
#> 5 -2.55819959 -5.0443544 1 5 0 1
#> 6 1.72873240 -0.6363849 1 6 1 1
df = base_did |>
id = as.factor(id),
period = as.integer(period),
y = as.double(y),
post = as.integer(post)
) |>
# correct treatment
mutate(treatment = as.integer(if_else(treat == 0, 0, post)))
setup <- df |>
unit = "id",
time = "period",
outcome = "y",
treatment = "treatment"
tau.hat = synthdid::synthdid_estimate(setup$Y, setup$N0, setup$T0)
#> synthdid: 4.828 +- 1.025. Effective N0/N0 = 52.4/53~1.0. Effective T0/T0 = 4.6/5~0.9. N1,T1 = 55,5.
# sqrt(vcov(tau.hat, method='bootstrap'))
sqrt(vcov(tau.hat, method='jackknife'))
#> [,1]
#> [1,] 0.5228316
# to use this SE method, must have more controls than treated units
# can try the base_stagg dataset from above
# sqrt(vcov(tau.hat, method='placebo'))
# Comparing counterfactual estimate to real-world observation
# , se.method = "placebo"
) + ama_theme()
# Control unit contribution plot (black is the ATE, grey lines are CIs)
synthdid::synthdid_units_plot(tau.hat) + ama_theme(base_size = 8)
# pre-treatment parallel trends
# synthdid::synthdid_plot(tau.hat, overlay = 1)
# synthdid::synthdid_plot(tau.hat, overlay = .8)
# synthdid::synthdid_placebo_plot(tau.hat)
# synthdid::synthdid_rmse_plot(tau.hat)
To incorporate time-varying elements into the unit and time weights
of the synthdid
, consider using residuals obtained from
regressing observed outcomes against time-varying variables. This can be
expressed as:
\[ Y_{it}^{res} = Y_{it} - X_{it} \hat{\beta} \]
where \(\hat{\beta}\) is derived from the regression equation \(Y = \beta X_{it}\).
setup2 <- df |>
mutate(y_res = residuals(lm(y ~ x1))) |>
unit = "id",
time = "period",
outcome = "y_res",
treatment = "treatment"
tau.hat2 = synthdid::synthdid_estimate(setup2$Y, setup2$N0, setup2$T0)
#> synthdid: 4.850 +- 0.923. Effective N0/N0 = 52.5/53~1.0. Effective T0/T0 = 4.6/5~0.9. N1,T1 = 55,5. = sc_estimate(setup$Y, setup$N0, setup$T0)
tau.did = did_estimate(setup$Y, setup$N0, setup$T0)
estimates = list(tau.did,, tau.hat)
names(estimates) = c('Diff-in-Diff', 'Synthetic Control', 'Synthetic Diff-in-Diff')
#> Diff-in-Diff Synthetic Control Synthetic Diff-in-Diff
#> 4.993390 4.475815 4.827761
synthdid::synthdid_plot(estimates) +
Spaghetti plots
top.controls = synthdid_controls(tau.hat)[1:10, , drop=FALSE]
plot(tau.hat, spaghetti.units=rownames(top.controls)) + ama_theme()
synthdid::synthdid_units_plot(estimates) +
synthdid_units_plot(tau.hat, units = rownames(top.controls)) + ama_theme()
Compare to other estimators
setup = synthdid::panel.matrices(synthdid::california_prop99)
# Run for specific estimators
results_selected = causalverse::panel_estimate(setup, selected_estimators = c("synthdid", "did", "sc"))
#> $synthdid
#> $synthdid$estimate
#> synthdid: -15.604 +- NA. Effective N0/N0 = 16.4/38~0.4. Effective T0/T0 = 2.8/19~0.1. N1,T1 = 1,12.
#> $synthdid$std.error
#> [1] 10.05324
#> $did
#> $did$estimate
#> synthdid: -27.349 +- NA. Effective N0/N0 = 38.0/38~1.0. Effective T0/T0 = 19.0/19~1.0. N1,T1 = 1,12.
#> $did$std.error
#> [1] 15.81479
#> $sc
#> $sc$estimate
#> synthdid: -19.620 +- NA. Effective N0/N0 = 3.8/38~0.1. Effective T0/T0 = Inf/19~Inf. N1,T1 = 1,12.
#> $sc$std.error
#> [1] 11.16422
# to access more details in the estimate object
#> $estimate
#> [1] -27.34911
#> $se
#> [,1]
#> [1,] NA
#> $controls
#> estimate 1
#> Wyoming 0.026
#> Wisconsin 0.026
#> West Virginia 0.026
#> Virginia 0.026
#> Vermont 0.026
#> Utah 0.026
#> Texas 0.026
#> Tennessee 0.026
#> South Dakota 0.026
#> South Carolina 0.026
#> Rhode Island 0.026
#> Pennsylvania 0.026
#> Oklahoma 0.026
#> Ohio 0.026
#> North Dakota 0.026
#> North Carolina 0.026
#> New Mexico 0.026
#> New Hampshire 0.026
#> Nevada 0.026
#> Nebraska 0.026
#> Montana 0.026
#> Missouri 0.026
#> Mississippi 0.026
#> Minnesota 0.026
#> Maine 0.026
#> Louisiana 0.026
#> Kentucky 0.026
#> Kansas 0.026
#> Iowa 0.026
#> Indiana 0.026
#> Illinois 0.026
#> Idaho 0.026
#> Georgia 0.026
#> Delaware 0.026
#> Connecticut 0.026
#> $periods
#> estimate 1
#> 1988 0.053
#> 1987 0.053
#> 1986 0.053
#> 1985 0.053
#> 1984 0.053
#> 1983 0.053
#> 1982 0.053
#> 1981 0.053
#> 1980 0.053
#> 1979 0.053
#> 1978 0.053
#> 1977 0.053
#> 1976 0.053
#> 1975 0.053
#> 1974 0.053
#> 1973 0.053
#> 1972 0.053
#> 1971 0.053
#> $dimensions
#> N1 N0 N0.effective T1 T0 T0.effective
#> 1 38 38 12 19 19
#> Method Estimate SE
#> 1 SYNTHDID -15.60 10.05
#> 2 DID -27.35 15.81
#> 3 SC -19.62 11.16
This vignette adapts the block assignment method from Arkhangelsky et al. (2021) for staggered
adoption scenarios. Following the approach suggested by Ben-Michael, Feller, and Rothstein (2022),
separate assignment matrices are created for each treatment period to
fit the block assignment context. The synthdid
estimator is
then applied to each sub-sample. Finally, the Average Treatment Effect
on the Treated (ATT) is calculated as a weighted average of all ATTs for
all treated periods, with weights based on the proportion of treated
units in each time period for each sub-sample.
df <- fixest::base_stagg |>
dplyr::mutate(treatvar = if_else(time_to_treatment >= 0, 1, 0)) |>
dplyr::mutate(treatvar = as.integer(if_else(year_treated > (5 + 2), 0, treatvar))) |>
mutate(subgroup = sample(c(0,1), nrow(base_stagg), replace = T))
est <- causalverse::synthdid_est_ate(
data = df,
adoption_cohorts = 5:7,
lags = 2,
leads = 2,
time_var = "year",
unit_id_var = "id",
treated_period_var = "year_treated",
treat_stat_var = "treatvar",
outcome_var = "y",
#> adoption_cohort: 5
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 65
#> adoption_cohort: 6
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 60
#> adoption_cohort: 7
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 55
Period = names(est$TE_mean_w),
ATE = est$TE_mean_w,
SE = est$SE_mean_w
) |>
#> Period ATE SE
#> 1 -2 -0.05 0.22
#> 2 -1 0.05 0.22
#> 3 0 -5.07 0.80
#> 4 1 -4.68 0.51
#> 5 2 -3.70 0.79
#> 6 cumul.0 -5.07 0.80
#> 7 cumul.1 -4.87 0.55
#> 8 cumul.2 -4.48 0.53
Compare to different estimators (e.g., DID and SC)
methods <- c("synthdid", "did", "sc", "sc_ridge", "difp", "difp_ridge")
estimates <- lapply(methods, function(method) {
data = df,
adoption_cohorts = 5:7,
lags = 2,
leads = 2,
time_var = "year",
unit_id_var = "id",
treated_period_var = "year_treated",
treat_stat_var = "treatvar",
outcome_var = "y",
method = method
#> adoption_cohort: 5
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 65
#> adoption_cohort: 6
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 60
#> adoption_cohort: 7
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 55
#> adoption_cohort: 5
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 65
#> adoption_cohort: 6
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 60
#> adoption_cohort: 7
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 55
#> adoption_cohort: 5
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 65
#> adoption_cohort: 6
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 60
#> adoption_cohort: 7
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 55
#> adoption_cohort: 5
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 65
#> adoption_cohort: 6
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 60
#> adoption_cohort: 7
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 55
#> adoption_cohort: 5
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 65
#> adoption_cohort: 6
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 60
#> adoption_cohort: 7
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 55
#> adoption_cohort: 5
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 65
#> adoption_cohort: 6
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 60
#> adoption_cohort: 7
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 55
plots <- lapply(seq_along(estimates), function(i) {
title = methods[i],
theme = causalverse::ama_theme(base_size = 6))
gridExtra::grid.arrange(grobs = plots, ncol = 2)
Subgroup Analysis (i.e., exploring treatment effects heterogeneity )
est_sub <- causalverse::synthdid_est_ate(
data = df,
adoption_cohorts = 5:7,
lags = 2,
leads = 2,
time_var = "year",
unit_id_var = "id",
treated_period_var = "year_treated",
treat_stat_var = "treatvar",
outcome_var = "y",
# a vector of subgroup id (from unit id)
subgroup = c(
# some are treated
"11", "30", "49" ,
# some are control within this period
"20", "25", "21")
#> adoption_cohort: 5
#> Treated units: 3 Control units: 65
#> adoption_cohort: 6
#> Treated units: 0 Control units: 60
#> adoption_cohort: 7
#> Treated units: 0 Control units: 55
Period = names(est_sub$TE_mean_w),
ATE = est_sub$TE_mean_w,
SE = est_sub$SE_mean_w
) |>
#> Period ATE SE
#> 1 -2 0.32 0.44
#> 2 -1 -0.32 0.44
#> 3 0 -4.29 1.68
#> 4 1 -4.00 1.52
#> 5 2 -3.44 2.90
#> 6 cumul.0 -4.29 1.68
#> 7 cumul.1 -4.14 1.52
#> 8 cumul.2 -3.91 1.82
To incorporate time-varying variables, use the residuals obtained from regressing the outcome on these variables.
df_x <- fixest::base_stagg |>
dplyr::mutate(treatvar = if_else(time_to_treatment >= 0, 1, 0)) |>
dplyr::mutate(treatvar = as.integer(if_else(year_treated > (5 + 2), 0, treatvar))) |>
mutate(y_res = residuals(lm(y ~ x1)))
est_x <- causalverse::synthdid_est_ate(
data = df_x,
adoption_cohorts = 5:7,
lags = 2,
leads = 2,
time_var = "year",
unit_id_var = "id",
treated_period_var = "year_treated",
treat_stat_var = "treatvar",
outcome_var = "y_res"
#> adoption_cohort: 5
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 65
#> adoption_cohort: 6
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 60
#> adoption_cohort: 7
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 55
Period = names(est_x$TE_mean_w),
ATE = est_x$TE_mean_w,
SE = est_x$SE_mean_w
) |>
#> Period ATE SE
#> 1 -2 -0.04 0.11
#> 2 -1 0.04 0.11
#> 3 0 -5.54 0.43
#> 4 1 -4.48 0.38
#> 5 2 -3.22 0.30
#> 6 cumul.0 -5.54 0.43
#> 7 cumul.1 -5.01 0.36
#> 8 cumul.2 -4.41 0.29