knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache = TRUE)

Synthetic DID

Block Adoption (Assignment)

This section contains the code from the synthdid package (Arkhangelsky et al. 2021), which can handle block adoption (i.e., when all units are treated at the same time).


# Estimate the effect of California Proposition 99 on cigarette consumption

setup = panel.matrices(california_prop99)

tau.hat = synthdid_estimate(setup$Y, setup$N0, setup$T0)

#> $estimate
#> [1] -15.60383
#> $se
#>      [,1]
#> [1,]   NA
#> $controls
#>                estimate 1
#> Nevada              0.124
#> New Hampshire       0.105
#> Connecticut         0.078
#> Delaware            0.070
#> Colorado            0.058
#> Illinois            0.053
#> Nebraska            0.048
#> Montana             0.045
#> Utah                0.042
#> New Mexico          0.041
#> Minnesota           0.039
#> Wisconsin           0.037
#> West Virginia       0.034
#> North Carolina      0.033
#> Idaho               0.031
#> Ohio                0.031
#> Maine               0.028
#> Iowa                0.026
#> $periods
#>      estimate 1
#> 1988      0.427
#> 1986      0.366
#> 1987      0.206
#> $dimensions
#>           N1           N0 N0.effective           T1           T0 T0.effective 
#>        1.000       38.000       16.388       12.000       19.000        2.783

# for only one treated unit, we can only use the placebo method
# se = sqrt(vcov(tau.hat, method='placebo'))
# sqrt(vcov(tau.hat, method='bootstrap'))
# sqrt(vcov(tau.hat, method='jackknife'))

# sprintf('point estimate: %1.2f', tau.hat)
# sprintf('95%% CI (%1.2f, %1.2f)', tau.hat - 1.96 * se, tau.hat + 1.96 * se)
plot(tau.hat) + ama_theme()

Using fixest dataset

#> ── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ──
#>  dplyr     1.1.2      readr     2.1.4
#>  forcats   1.0.0      stringr   1.5.1
#>  lubridate 1.9.2      tibble    3.2.1
#>  purrr     1.0.2      tidyr     1.3.0
#> ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
#>  dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
#>  dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
#>  Use the conflicted package (<>) to force all conflicts to become errors

If you want to use the base_stagg dataset, you have to choose just 1 period, because function synthdid_estimate cannot handle staggered adoption.

df <- base_stagg |>
  filter(year_treated %in% c(10000, 8)) |>
    id = as.factor(id),
    year = as.integer(year),
    y = as.double(y),
    treated = as.integer(if_else(time_to_treatment >= 0, 1, 0))

setup = df |>
  # specify column names
    unit = "id",
    time = "year",
    outcome = "y",
    treatment = "treated"
#>             y         x1 id period post treat
#> 1  2.87530627  0.5365377  1      1    0     1
#> 2  1.86065272 -3.0431894  1      2    0     1
#> 3  0.09416524  5.5768439  1      3    0     1
#> 4  3.78147485 -2.8300587  1      4    0     1
#> 5 -2.55819959 -5.0443544  1      5    0     1
#> 6  1.72873240 -0.6363849  1      6    1     1
df = base_did |> 
    id = as.factor(id),
    period = as.integer(period),
    y = as.double(y),
    post = as.integer(post)
  ) |> 
  # correct treatment 
  mutate(treatment = as.integer(if_else(treat == 0, 0, post))) 

setup <- df |>
    unit = "id",
    time = "period",
    outcome = "y",
    treatment = "treatment"

tau.hat = synthdid::synthdid_estimate(setup$Y, setup$N0, setup$T0)
#> synthdid: 4.828 +- 1.025. Effective N0/N0 = 52.4/53~1.0. Effective T0/T0 = 4.6/5~0.9. N1,T1 = 55,5.
# sqrt(vcov(tau.hat, method='bootstrap'))
sqrt(vcov(tau.hat, method='jackknife'))
#>           [,1]
#> [1,] 0.5228316

# to use this SE method, must have more controls than treated units
# can try the base_stagg dataset from above 
# sqrt(vcov(tau.hat, method='placebo'))

# Comparing counterfactual estimate to real-world observation
                        # , se.method = "placebo"
                        ) + ama_theme()

# Control unit contribution plot (black is the ATE, grey lines are CIs)
synthdid::synthdid_units_plot(tau.hat) + ama_theme(base_size = 8)

# pre-treatment parallel trends
# synthdid::synthdid_plot(tau.hat, overlay = 1)
# synthdid::synthdid_plot(tau.hat, overlay = .8)
# synthdid::synthdid_placebo_plot(tau.hat)
# synthdid::synthdid_rmse_plot(tau.hat)

To incorporate time-varying elements into the unit and time weights of the synthdid, consider using residuals obtained from regressing observed outcomes against time-varying variables. This can be expressed as:

\[ Y_{it}^{res} = Y_{it} - X_{it} \hat{\beta} \]

where \(\hat{\beta}\) is derived from the regression equation \(Y = \beta X_{it}\).

setup2 <- df |>
  mutate(y_res = residuals(lm(y ~ x1))) |>
    unit = "id",
    time = "period",
    outcome = "y_res",
    treatment = "treatment"

tau.hat2 = synthdid::synthdid_estimate(setup2$Y, setup2$N0, setup2$T0)
#> synthdid: 4.850 +- 0.923. Effective N0/N0 = 52.5/53~1.0. Effective T0/T0 = 4.6/5~0.9. N1,T1 = 55,5.   = sc_estimate(setup$Y, setup$N0, setup$T0)
tau.did  = did_estimate(setup$Y, setup$N0, setup$T0)
estimates = list(tau.did,, tau.hat)
names(estimates) = c('Diff-in-Diff', 'Synthetic Control', 'Synthetic Diff-in-Diff')

#>           Diff-in-Diff      Synthetic Control Synthetic Diff-in-Diff 
#>               4.993390               4.475815               4.827761

synthdid::synthdid_plot(estimates) + 

Spaghetti plots

top.controls = synthdid_controls(tau.hat)[1:10, , drop=FALSE]
plot(tau.hat, spaghetti.units=rownames(top.controls)) + ama_theme()

synthdid::synthdid_units_plot(estimates) +

synthdid_units_plot(tau.hat, units = rownames(top.controls)) + ama_theme()

Compare to other estimators

setup = synthdid::panel.matrices(synthdid::california_prop99)

# Run for specific estimators
results_selected = causalverse::panel_estimate(setup, selected_estimators = c("synthdid", "did", "sc"))

#> $synthdid
#> $synthdid$estimate
#> synthdid: -15.604 +- NA. Effective N0/N0 = 16.4/38~0.4. Effective T0/T0 = 2.8/19~0.1. N1,T1 = 1,12. 
#> $synthdid$std.error
#> [1] 10.05324
#> $did
#> $did$estimate
#> synthdid: -27.349 +- NA. Effective N0/N0 = 38.0/38~1.0. Effective T0/T0 = 19.0/19~1.0. N1,T1 = 1,12. 
#> $did$std.error
#> [1] 15.81479
#> $sc
#> $sc$estimate
#> synthdid: -19.620 +- NA. Effective N0/N0 = 3.8/38~0.1. Effective T0/T0 = Inf/19~Inf. N1,T1 = 1,12. 
#> $sc$std.error
#> [1] 11.16422
# to access more details in the estimate object
#> $estimate
#> [1] -27.34911
#> $se
#>      [,1]
#> [1,]   NA
#> $controls
#>                estimate 1
#> Wyoming             0.026
#> Wisconsin           0.026
#> West Virginia       0.026
#> Virginia            0.026
#> Vermont             0.026
#> Utah                0.026
#> Texas               0.026
#> Tennessee           0.026
#> South Dakota        0.026
#> South Carolina      0.026
#> Rhode Island        0.026
#> Pennsylvania        0.026
#> Oklahoma            0.026
#> Ohio                0.026
#> North Dakota        0.026
#> North Carolina      0.026
#> New Mexico          0.026
#> New Hampshire       0.026
#> Nevada              0.026
#> Nebraska            0.026
#> Montana             0.026
#> Missouri            0.026
#> Mississippi         0.026
#> Minnesota           0.026
#> Maine               0.026
#> Louisiana           0.026
#> Kentucky            0.026
#> Kansas              0.026
#> Iowa                0.026
#> Indiana             0.026
#> Illinois            0.026
#> Idaho               0.026
#> Georgia             0.026
#> Delaware            0.026
#> Connecticut         0.026
#> $periods
#>      estimate 1
#> 1988      0.053
#> 1987      0.053
#> 1986      0.053
#> 1985      0.053
#> 1984      0.053
#> 1983      0.053
#> 1982      0.053
#> 1981      0.053
#> 1980      0.053
#> 1979      0.053
#> 1978      0.053
#> 1977      0.053
#> 1976      0.053
#> 1975      0.053
#> 1974      0.053
#> 1973      0.053
#> 1972      0.053
#> 1971      0.053
#> $dimensions
#>           N1           N0 N0.effective           T1           T0 T0.effective 
#>            1           38           38           12           19           19

#>     Method Estimate    SE
#> 1 SYNTHDID   -15.60 10.05
#> 2      DID   -27.35 15.81
#> 3       SC   -19.62 11.16

Staggered Adoptions

This vignette adapts the block assignment method from Arkhangelsky et al. (2021) for staggered adoption scenarios. Following the approach suggested by Ben-Michael, Feller, and Rothstein (2022), separate assignment matrices are created for each treatment period to fit the block assignment context. The synthdid estimator is then applied to each sub-sample. Finally, the Average Treatment Effect on the Treated (ATT) is calculated as a weighted average of all ATTs for all treated periods, with weights based on the proportion of treated units in each time period for each sub-sample.

df <- fixest::base_stagg |>
   dplyr::mutate(treatvar = if_else(time_to_treatment >= 0, 1, 0)) |>
   dplyr::mutate(treatvar = as.integer(if_else(year_treated > (5 + 2), 0, treatvar))) |> 
  mutate(subgroup = sample(c(0,1), nrow(base_stagg), replace = T))

est <- causalverse::synthdid_est_ate(
  data               = df,
  adoption_cohorts   = 5:7,
  lags               = 2,
  leads              = 2,
  time_var           = "year",
  unit_id_var        = "id",
  treated_period_var = "year_treated",
  treat_stat_var     = "treatvar",
  outcome_var        = "y", 
#> adoption_cohort: 5 
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 65 
#> adoption_cohort: 6 
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 60 
#> adoption_cohort: 7 
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 55

    Period = names(est$TE_mean_w),
    ATE = est$TE_mean_w,
    SE = est$SE_mean_w
) |>
#>    Period   ATE   SE
#> 1      -2 -0.05 0.22
#> 2      -1  0.05 0.22
#> 3       0 -5.07 0.80
#> 4       1 -4.68 0.51
#> 5       2 -3.70 0.79
#> 6 cumul.0 -5.07 0.80
#> 7 cumul.1 -4.87 0.55
#> 8 cumul.2 -4.48 0.53


Compare to different estimators (e.g., DID and SC)

methods <- c("synthdid", "did", "sc", "sc_ridge", "difp", "difp_ridge")

estimates <- lapply(methods, function(method) {
    data               = df,
    adoption_cohorts   = 5:7,
    lags               = 2,
    leads              = 2,
    time_var           = "year",
    unit_id_var        = "id",
    treated_period_var = "year_treated",
    treat_stat_var     = "treatvar",
    outcome_var        = "y",
    method = method
#> adoption_cohort: 5 
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 65 
#> adoption_cohort: 6 
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 60 
#> adoption_cohort: 7 
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 55 
#> adoption_cohort: 5 
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 65 
#> adoption_cohort: 6 
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 60 
#> adoption_cohort: 7 
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 55 
#> adoption_cohort: 5 
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 65 
#> adoption_cohort: 6 
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 60 
#> adoption_cohort: 7 
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 55 
#> adoption_cohort: 5 
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 65 
#> adoption_cohort: 6 
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 60 
#> adoption_cohort: 7 
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 55 
#> adoption_cohort: 5 
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 65 
#> adoption_cohort: 6 
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 60 
#> adoption_cohort: 7 
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 55 
#> adoption_cohort: 5 
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 65 
#> adoption_cohort: 6 
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 60 
#> adoption_cohort: 7 
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 55

plots <- lapply(seq_along(estimates), function(i) {
                                 title = methods[i],
                                 theme = causalverse::ama_theme(base_size = 6))

gridExtra::grid.arrange(grobs = plots, ncol = 2)

Subgroup Analysis (i.e., exploring treatment effects heterogeneity )


est_sub <- causalverse::synthdid_est_ate(
  data               = df,
  adoption_cohorts   = 5:7,
  lags               = 2,
  leads              = 2,
  time_var           = "year",
  unit_id_var        = "id",
  treated_period_var = "year_treated",
  treat_stat_var     = "treatvar",
  outcome_var        = "y",
  # a vector of subgroup id (from unit id)
  subgroup           =  c(
    # some are treated
    "11", "30", "49" ,
    # some are control within this period
    "20", "25", "21")
#> adoption_cohort: 5 
#> Treated units: 3 Control units: 65 
#> adoption_cohort: 6 
#> Treated units: 0 Control units: 60 
#> adoption_cohort: 7 
#> Treated units: 0 Control units: 55

    Period = names(est_sub$TE_mean_w),
    ATE = est_sub$TE_mean_w,
    SE = est_sub$SE_mean_w
) |>
#>    Period   ATE   SE
#> 1      -2  0.32 0.44
#> 2      -1 -0.32 0.44
#> 3       0 -4.29 1.68
#> 4       1 -4.00 1.52
#> 5       2 -3.44 2.90
#> 6 cumul.0 -4.29 1.68
#> 7 cumul.1 -4.14 1.52
#> 8 cumul.2 -3.91 1.82


To incorporate time-varying variables, use the residuals obtained from regressing the outcome on these variables.

df_x <- fixest::base_stagg |>
   dplyr::mutate(treatvar = if_else(time_to_treatment >= 0, 1, 0)) |>
   dplyr::mutate(treatvar = as.integer(if_else(year_treated > (5 + 2), 0, treatvar))) |> 
  mutate(y_res = residuals(lm(y ~ x1)))

est_x <- causalverse::synthdid_est_ate(
  data               = df_x,
  adoption_cohorts   = 5:7,
  lags               = 2,
  leads              = 2,
  time_var           = "year",
  unit_id_var        = "id",
  treated_period_var = "year_treated",
  treat_stat_var     = "treatvar",
  outcome_var        = "y_res"
#> adoption_cohort: 5 
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 65 
#> adoption_cohort: 6 
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 60 
#> adoption_cohort: 7 
#> Treated units: 5 Control units: 55

    Period = names(est_x$TE_mean_w),
    ATE    = est_x$TE_mean_w,
    SE     = est_x$SE_mean_w
) |>
#>    Period   ATE   SE
#> 1      -2 -0.04 0.11
#> 2      -1  0.04 0.11
#> 3       0 -5.54 0.43
#> 4       1 -4.48 0.38
#> 5       2 -3.22 0.30
#> 6 cumul.0 -5.54 0.43
#> 7 cumul.1 -5.01 0.36
#> 8 cumul.2 -4.41 0.29


Arkhangelsky, Dmitry, Susan Athey, David A Hirshberg, Guido W Imbens, and Stefan Wager. 2021. “Synthetic Difference-in-Differences.” American Economic Review 111 (12): 4088–118.
Ben-Michael, Eli, Avi Feller, and Jesse Rothstein. 2022. “Synthetic Controls with Staggered Adoption.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology 84 (2): 351–81.